Content and Foreword
Dedicated to my Holy Guardian Angel. Thank you for the omen. 65 = 93.
Thank you for guarding and guiding me:
“No trace of blow
No river of whiskey
No incalculable number of pints
No use, threat or danger of violence
No temporary dissolvent of the mind’s unity
Is enough to make thee absent!
I love thee!
I love me!
My solar Self!
The unity therein
And the secret source…”
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"I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean." – Socrates
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Essay: What is poetry?
Jori-Ville Rahkonen
Feeniksin lento
Huutojen välinen tyhjyys
Antautumisen vaikeus
Neutraaliuden ongelmasta
Menneisyys on tulevaa pienempi
Ei mitään uutta tähtitaivaan alla
Sumun skitsofrenia
Turhuuden alttari
Ajattomat syklit
Ajan ja paikan hullut suhteet
(Nimetön runo)
Kolmannen maailman aurinko
Näkymätön mieli kädessä
Peilin 4 reunaa
Alaston kävely öisellä tiellä
Kahden ulottuvuuden metsät
Unien kieli
Logos Sun-Therion
Son of RA
Daughter of Sunset
Evening Star
Babalonian Current (The stream of blood)
Auringonjumala ikuinen
The Creator
The Candle-Dreamer
Fire Ocean -IAO
Feast of the Rejoicing Moon
Love under will
God with God
Of Sin and Restriction
The Laughing Phoenix
Silent Tears in Bright Light
Sing for me
Yod Vav Stellar
Spring Breeze
The Woman Mind
Solar Path
The Fool's Paradise
The name of my Path
Towards the heights
Khephra's Journey
Calling forth Asclepius
Sweet Lady Night
Nameless Poet
Life (Staring back at you)
The Law of Thelema
Thelema-Golgotha (The Second Coming)
The Hymn for the Child's Innocence
Abide with me
The Mind of God
Found BABALON today
Scarlet Love
(A Nameless Poem)
Goddess of Uttermost Beauty and Delight
A Declaration for the Life beyond Death and Fragments of What's to Come
David Cherubim
Seven Petals of Love
Sebastian Sierociński
Hymn to Man
Little Blue Jay
Ode to Xochiquetzal
Frater OZ
Middle Pillar
Frater Ildanach
Awake! Arise!
The Breastplate of Thelema
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
New Aeon Poetry is a publication that is built around caressing the miracle of poetry. It embraces esoteric and mystical poetry but does not limit its scope only to those poems with references for example to Ritual Magick but understands that the mystery of existence is all-encompassing. Thus, there may be variety in the poems but the mystery is always there, no matter how obvious it may seem for the reader that it is not so.
“NEW AEON POETRY I: Night Sky Meditations, Scarlet Rage” is the first publication of New Aeon Poetry. In this publication you can hopefully get at least a glimpse of the journey that I have personally travelled since I started writing poems in 2005 e.v. Some of them I wrote on paper and some were saved digitally. Many of them were lost but most of them were found safe. I haven't published all of those poems but those that were found safe and I have willed to publish under my civil name, under various pseudonyms or under no name at all you can now read in this publication.
About using pseudonyms I could tell that my adventures “in those” have been somewhat interesting. I have published my first poems under my civil name Jori-Ville Rahkonen. In 2007 e.v. I took the name Haborym and around the same period of time in my then current band War Machinery I had the name Vihanlietsoja (The Spreader of Hate). I don't like to define the meanings of this kind of names too much since I think it can stray away a bit from their real meaning and be a bit misleading for the reader but in retrospect I think that Haborym represented the more occult, cryptic and mysterious side of me whereas Vihanlietsoja was about the more “primitive” [sic!] expression through composing, playing and singing certain kind of music in a certain kind of band.
Then in 2008 e.v. I received, as cliché it may be to say so, a certain kind of Light into my life and took the name Azoneris. In 2011 e.v. during my first time living in Spain I took the name Yod Vav Stellar and in 2013 e.v. I took no name and was nameless. Taking your own name or no name at all and just basically stating who you are and are not are internal processes and have the potential to cause change first inside oneself and if so, then also inevitably outside oneself. As the Hermetic Axiom goes: “As above, so below”.
One morning in 24.4.2016 e.v. Dies Loviis I was thinking about my pseudonyms and their unity. I came up with the idea of corresponding them and making “my own Pentagram”. It's certainly only mine and no one else's, that's for sure. I ended up calling it Poetry Pentagram. As those into the theoretical side of occultism probably know Pentagram is in many contexts being presented together with the elemental correspondences, the Spirit corresponding with the apex of the Pentagram. Azoneris was easy to correspond with the element of Fire. Yod Vav Stellar matched enough with Water. Haborym seemed right to correspond with the Earth and what remained for the lost nameless one was Air, such as I was left with nothing earlier… And I meant that more with a romantic instead of a gloomy twist. Or maybe they go hand-in-hand. Light and Darkness are one and none in the end.
It all did not end here. Later it occurred to me that this nothingness and the Air that came along with it actually contain a hidden Aleph and I “updated” my Poetry Pentagram to look as can be viewed below. Air and Aleph go hand-in-hand. For me this process contained an internal revelation about myself. I read from David Cherubim's website* about the dual nature of Aleph which felt meaningful for me at the time.
* In 2.8.2018 e.v. I noticed that his website had gone down. My assumption was that this due to him not paying the domain payment which would be understandable due to his rather recent passing. In discovering this I realized that now my work was also about preserving his Legacy.
In “A Declaration for Life beyond Death and What's to Come” I write about two of my pseudonyms Azoneris and Yod Vav Stellar to correspond with THERION and BABALON. I thought about it and that I could take the Poetry Pentagram further by writing those correspondences up also. I corresponded Nuit with Spirit together with connection to Liber AL I:21:
I also corresponded Hadit with Earth (Haborym) together with Liber AL II:6:
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Pentagram, art by Frater Enatheleme, done according to my vision
In 26.4.2016 e.v. it occurred to me that the pictures of me under the influence of those aspects indicate a spiritual emphasis and heavy presence in those elements (See the pictures of Haborym, Azoneris, Yod Vav Stellar and ). Is this artificial? It has been real to me and caused real changes in my life, the Magick it has been. About 5 minutes later it also occurred to me that if I wrote New Aeon Poetry as “NAP” and would change those letters into Hebrew letters then I would need to reverse the order the way they are written from left to right into from right to left, and then the name would for a typical Western mind look like “PAN” (Pe Aleph Nun, פאנ, numerological value 131). Not to spoil or explain any meanings behind it or this or that… But I have a band that is called “ALL” so with these things in mind one may go figure out how mysterious life sometimes is indeed…
In 3.8.2016 e.v. I came to think that the use of my pseudonyms represents to me a conscious attempt of navigation on my spiritual journey by the use of names that bring structure.
The Book of the Law says:
“Thou shalt obtain the order & value of the English Alphabet ; thou shalt find new symbols to attribute them unto.” - AL II:55
N(ew) A(eon) P(oetry) would then through esoteric mathematics and the use of David Cherubim's English Qabalah add by the equation 84 + 6 + 96 into 186 which I noticed to also be 2 · 93. Maybe I should form a band called Blink 186… But I don't think that Horus-eyes blink.
Then in Turku, Finland in 28.4.2016 e.v. I met a guy who had Ama-gi-tattoo on his forearm as a Sumerogram. I was not familiar with the concept before and he explained it to me. I mentioned that I am familiar with the myth of Enuma Elish. We discussed Sumerian-, Babylonian- and Assyrian-related things and so on forth. I showed him my Unicursal Hexagram -tattoo and he asked me if I'm familiar with Thelema. I said “Yes”… Not long after we had parted ways I had an idea to find out what is Ama-gi:s numerological value. Then in the evening I did it: It was 186… Which I noticed to also be the numerological value of PAN/NAP by the numerological technique of the English Qabalah! At this point I had to totally acknowledge that the making of this book was now a magickal – or “amagickal” – journey for me…
The Fool and Pan seemed to be up in my life in different ways. I continued my research and (re)discovered the fact that The Fool and The Devil have a strong connection which felt meaningful for me at the time. In The Book of Thoth it says in the commentary to The Fool-card:
[The Fool is also, evidently, an aspect of Pan but this idea is shewn in his fullest development by Atu XV, whose letter is the semi-vowel A’ain, cognate with Aleph]”
The sense of meaningfulness for me did not lessen with the fact that while the Hebrew letter which corresponds with The Fool-card is Aleph, the Hebrew letter which corresponds with The Devil-card is Ayin or A'ain, beginning with “the Western Aleph”: letter A, the beginning letter of the Western Alphabet.
The book would not leave me in peace. Not long after waking up the next day in 29.4.2016 e.v. I came up with the idea of counting the numerological value of “Aleph Ayin” according to the English Qabalah and it was 546. I noticed it was the same numerological value as that of “Liberty”, while Ama-gi according to one source means “Freedom” or “Liberty”. The man that I met told me that it means something towards being free from slavery, as far as I can recall… But when it comes to the big picture, tell me about the connectedness in the Universe there… Also, in 24.12.2016 e.v. I noticed that “Turku”, the old capital of Finland to where I had moved from Spain earlier that year, had the same numerological value 546 and so did for example “To Will”, according to the technique of English Gematria.
I did a little more research also on numerology when writing this preface. It said on David Cherubim's website ( that:
“The order and value of the English alphabet is simple yet profound in nature. The order pertains to the Paths of the new Tree of Life, which are linked with the 26 letters of our Thelemic Alphabet. The value of each letter is a multiplication of six, the sacred number of the Beast (The Sun). The number 26 multiplied by 6 produces the number 156, which is the sacred number of Babalon (The Moon). The English alphabet is the Magical Alphabet of the Sun and Moon. The value of the English Alphabet begins with the number of the Beast and ends with the number of Babalon (The Moon).”
By adding the order of the letters NAP/PAN by the equation 24 + 11 + 26 (or vice versa) the sum becomes 61 which is also the numerological value of AIN, Nothingness, through a different system of numerology though. Of all the synchronicities I must point out that I remembered that AIN was 61 and Nothingness and that The Book of Lies had something in some chapter that I needed to check later and to draw the connection to the preface. In 4.3.2017 e.v. I did that, and this chapter appeared without any conscious intention before my eyes, with The Foolishness of The Fool, with The Horns of The Devil, the chapter accidentally [sic!] being chapter number 61…
Later I discovered from David Cherubim's website ( that AIN has the same numerological value as ALL being written as Aleph-Lamed-Lamed, together with “One=Aleph=Atu0=Hoor-Paar-Kraat=Child“. Around, around we go, and the Serpent is devouring its tail…
A diagram made
from the basis of David Cherubim's website
When I began categorizing my poems to their right folders regarding under which aspect of mine they were written under I noticed that they can “mingle” together. This - not to write too much about the matter – is I think related to the fact that “The Mystery of I” is more in control about all that is happening on my artistic journey than I am. And that's the way it should be. God is a mystery, life is a mystery, existence is a mystery and I have willed and will a journey into those mysteries and that is exactly what I have got. For example I couldn't find an absolutely right answer should one of the poems be Haborym's poem as the time period when it was written would indicate so but I noticed that I had signed it with my civil name. And “Gothenburg” is written by the nameless poet but based on experiences experienced by Yod Vav Stellar so who's in charge then? No absolute answers - Part of the mystery of existence right there. That is just one example of the fascinating riddles that come right before my eyes as I use Art as a channel for the God to discover its own mysteries and Art using me as its vessel. *
* I couldn't remember whom I was quoting here
The making of this book taught me more about myself and as I was gathering all these things into one I was able to see their unity and different meanings more clearly.
I also noticed that 111 seemed to come up and one of my immediate thoughts was that it symbolized Love. See Aleister Crowley's The Book of Lies, chapter 54: “EAVES-DROPPINGS” for reference. I also noticed from Davis Cherubim's website ( that 111 is ALP, Aleph spelled in full. Also, in 25.5.2016 e.v. I was wondering if to keep the AIN 61 in the preface and I found, as I see it, the real meaning to keep it in the book when reading this: “111 = Aleph = Atu 0 = The Fool = AIN 61”. For some reason I hadn't remembered such a fundamental numerological meaning as that of Aleph being 111. Then when in 27.5.2016 e.v. I was talking with a person who has a name of that exact same numerological value it came to me that while totally forgetting it I had paid attention to only to the more “rare” meanings of 111. I came to think that sometimes it may be possible to check out almost all of the Major Arcana of Thoth Tarot and to forget about the core of it all where everything sprung from and which is present in all the cards of the Major Arcana of Thoth Tarot: The Fool…
During the making of this book it seemed to me, without me having a conscious and strong intention to see it to be so, that something was going on, all the synchronicity being just a one symptom of me being onto something or something being onto me, beginning from 9.4.2016 e.v. I had in one month made about 170 pages of this book and kept journal about it all the time.
I have done editing for some poems with all due respect towards the originality of the poems. This has been necessary to not let mistyping or other such factors to stain the effect of the poems for the readers. It has been done refinement, not changing in mind.
In this book there are also included poems from various individuals whom I've had a pleasure and a privilege to meet and/or be in contact with along the years. I think there is a big difference, to put it simple for a reason, between not publishing something in a physical book and publishing something in a physical book - even in this Age of Technology!* Partly related to that I offered them this possibility to publish those poems of them that I found worthy of publishing in this first publication of New Aeon Poetry.
* I did think that way when writing this book but as more and more time went by, first I opened myself to the possibility of also publishing an e-book and then later on also to the possibility of publishing a blog. I still haven't closed out the possibility of a physical book publication but I did change my plans a bit along the way. I still don't see it that way that I would have "sold out" myself, figuratively speaking. I just had to adapt to the circumstances.
With these words being written I hope that you will enjoy reading this publication even close to as much as I have enjoyed walking the path of bringing these poems to birth, the manifestation of wonder in-between the years 2005 – 2017 Era Vulgari.
If there are for example any musicians who would like to use some of my poetry as lyrics in their music feel free to contact me to the e-mail address that you can view at the end of this preface to ask for permission.
The reader is free to take some parts of the book or the whole content as fiction, comedy, satire, or whatever… But this book is what I have willed to put out, to express myself from the basis of who and what I am and that's the most relevant part for me. I rejoice in my emptiness and all are welcome and invited to partake in this bliss.
As the work for this book is now done maybe I could take a NAP (pun intended). It seems that gods with their sense of humor don't. The Universe could only seem more unified - the experience of the union and connectedness of things being the goal of all Qabalistic numerology play – if all this would have happened while listening to Napalm Death in Panama Island. Maybe you got the idea of the joke or of the Universe or aren't they the same thing in the end? Rhetoric question. The preface ends here.
“For me “IO PAN!” became “IO Pandora's Box!”
And so I had unlocked the door to view the starry nature of my naked soul”
Love is the law, love under will.
Jori-Ville Rahkonen
New Aeon Poetry