Yod Vav Stellar
Spring Breeze
Here I am
With my poet's chess
No deserts dry
The World is a mess
Silent are voices
The kiss from above
Wish and fact conjoin
Am I lost in love?
The Ape of Thoth is present –
Patience is mine
I seek the Gold ov knowledge
'n' drink the Harlot’s wine
Who might follow
The paths not yet made?
Will 'n' courage unleashed
So around the people* fade
Dionysos, Baphomet
Fill me with vital breath
Vomit forth tree leaves
So to transcend death
Mysterious nature
So harmonious, yet wild
Virgo I would undress
But I'm already thine
Sudden inspiration strikes
The quarter I don't know
Archangels are awake
Four letters in-a-row
Foundeth I not the Fool**
Amidst the summer green
The Spring Breeze found me
Horus-eye to be seen
* See Liber AL II:25
** See ATU 0
The woman mind
Oh, the unknown mysteries
Dark essence
The unseen grass color
Behind the fence
Lock me once
To thine chamber ov secrets
So to taste the amber's obscure
… For a moment…
O, Lilith's witch!
The Moon as thy companion
'n' forbidden thy plans
Sink into the Nile
To find you
Only by glance
The stream ov thy mind
'n' swift the current
The monthly blood poisoned
The astral water scent
The fear ov the unknown:
Unknown to thee
When the castles of snow
You spot a bumblebee
The summer
Thine Satan:
When all is too well
But beyond the veil
I know
There thine essence shall dwell
If I someday combine
Oh, sex and thought
We shall become…
All but naught
BUT 'til that very day
(Oh, never come…)
In thy bosom I shall rest
My Moon
And I
Thine sweetest Sun!
A God arising
God in strength
The words uttered
In full length
Bring forth thine rays
In one undying shine
So to give heart to a star
Thine heat is mine
Ought to find my will in silence
Where the falling stars struggle
Through pain 'n' violence
Success I find
The Death is denied
The universal bliss cannot I hide
Towards the centre I move
'n' what do I find?
'n' ecstatic union
'n' that love must be blind
Thee I adore
The infinite Sun
Through the multitude ov forms
Hiding four-in-one!
![]() |
2011 e.v. in Torneo, Finland. Despite how Crowley describes Torneo in The Complete Astrological Writings (which I sadly find highly true…) the picture is beautiful |
Solar Path
Thine vibrating stillness
Seizes my soul
Without thine caress
(Limited I)
Only a ghoul
Inspiration drawn
From the writings unknown
Yet the content is felt
'n' the wisdom is shown
The perfect happiness
Dove shall descend
The will confirms
Around the tree
Tightly bend
Force 'n' Fire
Hand in hand
Giving life
For the erect wand
The whole Universe
Written in sand
Make love to Her
For gods demand
All this I gather
To my Maya to shatter
That I may find the Summum Bonum
The stone ov the Wise
So to scream forth
For the Thelema's arise!
The Fool's Paradise
I: The Immanent “Now!”
You have been given
The same key twice
Wherefore you have entered
The Fool's Paradise
Just lucky are not those
Who transgress the norm
The conquest happens
Through winter-storm
“By the fierce lust of my pride” –
External awaits
The Soul has to pass through Ego's shades
If stillness is no virtue
How about no balance at all?
Surely I have seen it
Seen the beauty of Stars fall
Far beyond silence
Where no hand will ever reach
I'm just partly there
When I stop my mortal speech
II: “Here!” is “There!”
I dreamed about the World
Of no before
So close it was;
Another shore
No memories' dust
To stop my breath
No centuries' past
Of a sudden death
Dipping my wings
All was splendid, not curse
My joy was here and now -
My pain was averse
How is it even possible to ignore such sights?
To reduce all to theory
To shut the candle lights…
III: The Entering
Disposable World
I cannot deny
But when Pluto's rays tormenting
I must speak
(I cannot lie)
This is the kingdom of God
Where the children are aware
Before the weight of knowledge
You should fear - Beware!
Around, around the circle
When “Straight is the path”!
In the middle there is everything
That the mind has ever hath
Listen, my Son,
Yet I am not more above!
Of the same flesh, Soul and Spirit
Just in purity of a dove
Beautiful words I say
Of a self-knowing's quest
First comes the foundation
And after that the rest
Now excuse this commentary
On your one single cry
There is only one person
To whom you should die
Be these my last words
I may not endure
I am sick of this World
And have found one only cure
I hope to hear
In your eternal return
Where you only must remember
Not to create
But burn
In your longing I have this hope;
Sober of “other”
Drunk of “this”
Oh my original face
That art not
Thee I miss…
“You have been given the same key twice
Wherefore you have entered
The Fool's Paradise"!
The name of my Path
ACT I: “The Confession”
It comes hideously, saying:
“I won't stay for long
I will show you Life
And then I will go away”
But it will stay.
Its name has been hidden from me
I ought to find it
'n' I asked
Silent it remained
So did my plans turn upside down
The nature had to come first
ACT II: “The Garden of Love”
Somewhere amidst the unions of rapture
Hath the Death become a truth
A footprint unto the shore of Spring had I stepped
With my Hell-reaching foot
At this same enemy of “Neither”
As a guest for this fiend of “Nor”
Heard I this voiceless voice
That said…
“Kether wills for more”
So did the name become the deed
'n' the action the word
Sad was I not at all
For the glory done
To the Hawk-headed Lord
ACT III: “The Way”
I still am the follower
'n' Path is the Way
But to some extent has my night
Reached the light of the day
Now when I'm supposed to name
My one-and-only child
Still confused I must confess
The Reason I can't find
The Path made me –
Not the other way around
How otherwise could I reach
The firm and stable ground?
ACT IV: “Baptism / The Path speaks”
Therefore this brief testimony
That I now must make
Shall it not be the final one
May still my timely temples shake
“My name is “The UNKNOWN” –
For you a lie and Truth
My all-encompassing nothingness
Shall find your primal root
But it's not the only name
That I have ever hath…
You may still call me “TEMPORARY” –
It is the name of your Path”
“Something what I have gathered is this: What is balance? It is not mixing the planes. What is real? Everything is real, everything has its place in existence, on their own, proper and natural PLANE. What is (a one form of) insanity? Again, it's mixing and confusing these planes together. What is the beginning of the so-called "spiritual awakening”? Becoming conscious of other planes beyond the ones usually perceptible for "the profane" (and then interpreting and exploring them). Some might confuse these first ones (astral) for "the 7th Heaven" and just lose it at once. The Point: Don't confuse/mix the planes.” – 13.11.2012 e.v.
In the midst of confusion
Myself I find
When directions mislead
I must be blind
What am I?
But an endless voice
In the centre of the Earth
'n' its personless noise
Joys do I find
Again in trap
Black 'n' white lenses
Seize the living map
What am I
But questions to follow?
Pay the price:
I am hollow
Towards the heights
I reach towards the heights
Unbound by the vulnerable weights
Taken with a sudden storm
Built of (mind) ether's chloroform
Outside, to deviate all norm
Of no shape silent*, the grave form
* There is silence and silence
Khephra's Journey
First before the Angelic Throne
Unto me this mind of dust
Come! Depart not just yet…
Kiss my fallen dreams
My awaken lust
Erase thoughts of doubt
Bring back my faith
Arise! As time is as nothing
Before the forbidden gate
Assiah that is veiled in dark
Loosen thy grip on this very hour
Open thy mouth of un-Buddhic words
Name of truth in my ears crushing louder
BABALON! That with thy tongue burn
Let it be venom of the Gods
Oh, that thine kisses poison me!
Whilst I learn, blind I can see
Move my snake-bitten legs
You, Heru-ra-ha, strength
My hands!
In the horizon of my prophecies
Nuit and I – one –already!
Death is the crown of all
“The Crime of Reason is to Transcend” |
Calling forth Asclepius
Hadit! That with thine fire consume
Erasing all thought – Into brilliance of bloom!
Loosened thy grip when I tried to breathe
Pulling me under when I thought I was deep
Movement still worries both body and mind
Escape circulation, thought – Of a helluva kind
Assume it's just about one cosmic game?
Sirius! Ra! Horus! – So no guilt and shame…
Kisses I receive both here and beyond
Lick the pussy of The Whore to put the lights on
Even if it be so; there I am yet not!
Pussy is dry – Seth's desert is hot!
IO PAN, IO PAN! I so chant and scream!
Oh, he appears! That I know, I believe!
Sothis too arisen in her beauty of a star
Grace I feel not haven now come this far
Oh, Snake of wealth, will you bite me today?
Death in your name would be gold for man of clay
Oracles of reason, thee I've heard more than once
For what should I do with thee since my will only runs?
Wisdom might be hidden in the ears that all receive
Even if it be so – That who's talking just deceives?
Alas! I will conquer just one Star in sight
Look upon my destiny, O Gods of battles might!
This is for the Snake to whom I send this giant scream;
Help me! Help me! Asclepius – The God of Medicine!
So here I am, in the midst of myself
Yet slightly aside
Secondary to highlight my capability
Like Gothenburg to Stockholm
A knowledge of that
"I would be the first
If I but willed"
Satisfies the city
And gives it its calm
I contemplate the friendliness
Warmth, pleasure
A feeling of not being surprised
Amongst the wonder
That is all-penetrant
(One could here extend the saying:
"Choose your company wisely"
To continue "... and your city even wiser!"
How foolish I have been!
I will move here! And if the stars are not rightly aligned for that
Well then for another place like this!
If there can be one...
And how I wish it would be so!
Why to look outside oneself?
Well, for some stronger community!
For certain higher standards and strength!
Take me not - O Will! - To Japan, nor to South Korea! Sigh!
Nor to any other place too distant to speak with
And to caress completely, in this lifetime...
I don't understand them! "Jag vet inte vad du menar!"
Since I am a bit struggling with my neighbours, even!
Yet there is one common saviour:
The Universal language
That we use every here and then: Relief!)
I see the people that I saw
When I many times opened
All my holy books
As if they had incarnated again
To some other shape, some other form
To do their will on Earth
"All Eras have their messengers, their Prophets, their seers"
I conclude, and continue
(Yet to this they would but laugh at
Which would only confirm me how right Aiwass)
I talk, talk, and talk
Like my mouth would be an endless pit of both hope and pain
To seek some solid higher principle
To which it could give itself
In this life
(If you were pondering where am I going:
Yes, there is a lot of mystical value in this place
Of which highly valued words could be said
But all that would be like a servant to the whole
In the feet of the city
Which asks none and so goes everywhere
So how could it be resisted
Since it fills no space, yet penetrated all?
How, since it asks none
Yet receives gifts constantly?)
I see people living, wondering, going
And it all goes without too much thought
This confirms me that there is something hidden
In this place, to be seeked...
Probably from some "Internal Gothenburg"
From some holy shrine hidden in the depths of Man
This city of Agape is like a bed
Where not to "eternally sleep"
But to dream adventures
And - Alas! - If some sudden nightmare of reality would wake thee
Then but to live the dream in flesh...
Open thy arms wide, Gothenburg!
Come forth loving, caring, tender Gothenburg!
Stand proud with thy revolution
That is taking place on streets
And in private places
And in people's minds
THAT is the essence of thine Magick, Gothenburg!
That thy Light comes not suddenly rushing
But slowly, steadily
And by many forewarnings
Yet one day, by some sudden illumination
One may reflect
That times are different, that times have changed.
(This was Will)
Let thy enthusiasm scare away Death!
And may thy blossom be the fountain of Spring!
But lest I forget:
You are not to be spoken of with beautiful words
But with words which but mirror thee
Whatever they then are or come to be
They suffice as they are
Since they are of THEE!
And thou knowest that, I know you do
Thou sayeth it not by words
But with silence
And what not better ending for thy Hymn
But silence
(This was Love)
Poetry has to be the best form of art there is (at least for me). I can feel my personality being but a shadow before its quintessential throne. I tremble by small nuances striking my very core and often. I get lost in it and don’t want to return. I lose all yet don't care since by doing so I receive all.” – 5.9.2012 e.v.
Sweet Lady Night
People await anxiously
That their senses would begin to rise from slumber
Senses that have long been tortured
By long series of what men call Reality
There is something in the Air
(Internal, external)
Women have dressed so that their breasts seem like warm pillows
Where to finally hold one's head
Like a corpse slain in a war-field
Women have dressed so that their breasts seem like warm pillows
Where to finally hold one's head
Like a corpse slain in a war-field
A warrior to reach the orgasm in sex
And fulfillment in life
The Beginning to reach the End
And the End to reach the Beginning
People begin to talk
As if meaninglessness had become some sort of virtue
But like it would have become sort of a key to find meaning
Somewhere beyond the mere shell
But maybe it's just a mask?
Who knows?
I know: The result will speak the truth
What seems to guide the activity
Is like some Greek, hedonistic God
Bored to reality
Wishing some drama and action
People exchange compliments
Like it would serve as some sort of a stimulant
To invoke forces in oneself to lose and let go
In lust and rapture
And for a moment: To forget!
To forget
It seems like life would all condense here and now
Like there would be no more meaning on this Planet than this
We know it is so - in our core
But we are humans
Yet what we can do
Is to arrange a night like this
And to love each other
Oh, love each other so much!
It's coming
People see each others as sexual messengers
Messengers that will help to liberate oneself
From the horrors of pale weekday and routine
They welcome each other
Like a naked, repressed friend would welcome another
Thoughts begin to draw near
As different substances, drank or taken
Affect the body and mind
No matter the creed, no matter the shade of lust
The moment will come
When some sweet scoundrel
Known or unknown
Expected or unexpected
Will come
And speak thee words
Either beautiful or ugly
Or somewhere in-between
Hoping that his drunken incantation
Would open the portal to pleasure
Between the legs
Where in man's mind
Awaits some mysterious octopus
Like from some Lovecraftian novel
(Which sleeps a lot, but when wakes, then surely wakes up everyone)
That to rub a little
Maybe lick, if brave
And then to stick one's will inside
With a thought "Now do it! Now it's the time!"
If all goes well, to enjoy the ride
And if the shake being primitive and raw
Then to keep the karma on ones side with tempo and try
And to hope for the best
To raise the white flag of victory
Which says:
"I give up! I am THINE!"
It is of no use to tell that you are "shy" or "inexperienced"
Here the opportunity awaits all alike
And it is up to thee to just say to all boredom:
"Okay! I’m done with you! Now get lost!"
And to let go of all concepts, (almost) all limitation, all that is dead...
And to drink from the fountain of Grail
Which these friends, Lovers, Enemies, all offer
To thee - To thee!
People forget the rotten morality of some dusty old book
They think there is something more important to do
There is the next step to be taken
Which would have Maslow recreating his theories
And to argue back, if not but to turn in his grave
People don't say it, not even think about it
But they know it instinctively
That they have united the Above with the Below
Or maybe better to say
The Below with the Above
The behind of one's mortal body
Has far more better use in here
Such a shame it has to suffer long days of sitting
In some pathetic office
All day long
Here it will be used differently
(If the will to experiment had become more important than reason)
Here it has far better use
(If the source of pleasure is extended to more than one hole - They both wish it'd be so!)
The feeling when the connection is created is silent, yet loud
It has potential to erupt
It's the silence of passive aggression
Which shall thunder forward soon as almost angry looks
"What are you doing!?"
Yet she asked it herself
And loves it
It's part of the game
The game of Lethe
Yet a game of Life
That we both play
Oh, Life, Life!
One more time: Life!
I'm coming! I'm here!
Hear me shouting it!
I don't care: Illusion or Reality!
But "Life!" "Life!" "LIFE!"
(Silence now veils the coming rapture)
Despite one loss of mind being done
There is space still for more
If there are more lunatics (!) to come
Maybe one, maybe two
And if nothing, to just lie naked
"Why not?"
Oh no!
The thought has conquered
The thought has come to kill all thought
If nothing more
Then to drink for joy
Since all potential and possibility
Has satisfactorily been exhausted
We may now maybe drink a bit more
Then when the body can't take no more
Then to fall down happy, tired, exhausted, without moral
And to sleep
So that one may tomorrow go again
(But that's another story)