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"Symbolic deaths in written language" |
Minä ja muut
Siis mielessä vihaiset suut?
Subjektille näkökulma
Mukana tulee kokonaisuuden pulma
Lopputulosten vapaus ja valinta
Hulluuden hyväksyntä ja sen hallinta
Kun uppoaa Atlantis ajassa, ei jää kysymyksiä
veloista majassa, puun määrästä vajassa
Ja jos upotessa kaikumaan jää hullu nauru
vibratolla Kaaoksen, voimalla alkupurkauman…
On unella ollut kultaiset kannet ja palavat sivut
Voi, jos en ratsastaisi tällä fosforisella harjalla,
kuinka himoitsisinkaan jyrisevää tuomaria
tuomaan järjestystä Kosmokseen
Unien kieli
Kuin kaikki olisi kaikessa
Uinuisi syvyyden unia minussa
ja sinussa, oi Horuksen kyynel
Kerroithan minulle jo aiemmin seitsenpäiväisen syklin
keskeisimmän prinsiipin käänteisillä hieroglyfeilläsi
ja äänekkäästi korostin sisäiselle jurylleni ”En ole lintu!”
Oikeudenkäynnin päätyttyä edukseni lensin salista ulos
törmäten talon korkealla makaavaan kattoon
Se kertoi minulle ikiunta nukkuvista metsistä, jotka kerran
nähtyäni ei mikään materian voima hiljennä niitä minussa
ja joiden jälkeen kauhun tasapaino voi tehdä tilaa HÄNELLE,
joka nukkuessaan sulkee myös oikean silmänsä
Logos Sun–Therion
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
The law of the strong and law for all
Every single star has its sphere
to be cultivated through divine wilL
Beyond stAgnating chains
In nothingness beauty I'll find
Whereas there is light in darkness
there must be hope among slime
In the spectruM of this existence I see also stones
ShAdows of their being
Conflicts are not needed, yet they tend to arise
as stars descend and the light is extinguished
The battle of conquest has begun
where the stronG ones will conquer
This is the New æon – Celebration of the Thelemic current
Life for human being was given
Yet with Gods similarities we achIeve
PolarIties accomplish each other
They unite in love under will
Under the surface I seek my obsession
from all aspeCts that thIs world has to offer
Like this & that would manifest above or below?
We are the architects of our subjective Universes
Nuit and Hadit conjoined
Crystallization of pure energy and motion
The manifest of unity
Form of forms
Make love to me
We are 0ne
Slaves are speaking with contradictionary
They utter the voice without seeing the Tao-liKe truth
Logos Sun-Therion
Law is for all
Son of RA
”The joys of life” they are offering
Drifting those from Lethe-waters
Joyful dance disguised as time & suffering
Reveal me the Styx-nature
Hidden behind the curtain
Alone I am drifting
Here on the desert of Seth
The light is continuous
The ever-Sun never sleeps
We are one
Here and now
The knowledge of death
The son of RA, as I am – I fear not!
The light is continuous
The ever-Sun never sleeps
We are one
Here and now
The knowledge of death
The son of RA, as I am – thine lies sear me not!
Voices from the abyss
to reach the sea of motion
Lifting myself up
with only one sight
Certain inner horizon
Invisible for so many eyes
Visible for the unconquerable will
Balancing Tipherethian rays
from the heart of the tree of life
Resurrecting force from above
fulfill the starry nature
I see thee
I feel thee
I become thee
I am thee
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The first demo of ALL which includes the songs Logos Sun-Therion, Son of RA, Eden and Daughter of Sunset |
The Garden of Eden
Under the laws of
the gracious architect
Serpent tempted for more
O, the one with thousand masks
You offered the knowledge of good and evil
Eve felt and Adam understood
Their fall created the dual human-soul
Shining star of morn
Messenger of Pleroma
Lead me on my path
Let there be light
through your might
I know where I belong
And where I have become from
By the inner fire of consciousness
from our connection I shall not fall
I shall not fall like the mourning faces of slavery
With so much to conquer,
and so much to lose
Brilliance of your light
May it be the guidance – my internal sight
On this path into hell and into heaven
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Chaos-Star, art by Frater Enatheleme, done according to my vision
Daughter of Sunset
Body of the brilliant night sky
Thee I invoke under your stars
Blue lady - Ever expanding and limitless
Thee that form the motion
Motion ending into dynamic eruption
Continuous one
Complementing as none
Oh, space among time
Thine infinity
The hope-sign
The infinite possibilities I explore
in Dionysic ecstasy
Azure mediator between
the idea and the action
Fulfilled Aeonics
Firmanent upon firmament-souls
Thine naked body
from which all existence springs
Let us unite in cosmic ecstasy
Rituals of the New Aeon are done
Only for the chance of union
we are now separate
But the essence of my being – you are indeed
And indeed – I am in need
The stream of your breath I feel
The voiceless voice of your call
I can hear
Bring forth the true life
so that I could become
Vessel for the Universe
From the night sky down to earth
for us, my love, you have given birth
Evening Star
From the dim light of my fall you were
But a ray among other, but I was dreaming
Days turned into nights, and soon into years
and then to deliverance of sears
You are the Evening Star of my life,
o brightest one
The earth and the skies I'll cleanse for you,
my darling
Begging from myself: "Be there no tomorrow!"
and the surrounding sorrow was afterwards hollow
That I am dying does not mean that I'm not smiling
and down into this state you were first to greet me
or was that I who was first to greet you...
The laws of time I make unheard for you and me
All this I do 'cause I don't wanna see what it is to be me
The Evening Star
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The second demo of ALL which includes the song Evening Star |
Babalonian Current (The stream of blood)
Oh, you bend the sky
And grip the grass
So that there will be no difference
On the plane of the mind
There is only one divine union
And letting go on everything else
In this conscious sacrifice
Of the creative force
How I must add emphasis
In the 11th Lust it is the Scarlet Woman
Riding the mighty Therion
Not the other way around
Come, oh come, in the summer of the Sun
And of the Moon
Write Samekh on my chest
By your wand dipped in the menstrual blood
Or with your unshaking hands
On a mysterious way hard to understand
Have no shame, thou Soror of Binah
Scratch my skin if it is what you lust
Crawl on the floor, if you must
But before everything else
Leave not yourself undone
No difference, zero separation
That I deny between anything and any other thing
There are no questions of which, when or why
When the mind is blotted out in climax
Yetzirah is transcended
And the mind's eye blinded
Counter-“AHA!” on the state beyond arguments
Thinking is overrated
Always unto her - And how it makes me glad
We are both here to celebrate life
Oh, and death and rebirth
But I have no time to ponder
Because the spaceship is just about to leave
I will climb into the tree built by spermatozoons
The only tree where I won't hit any branch on falling the way down
If I fall, yeah, IF I fall, but only IF, but I shall surely rise
In Space there is no space for thinking
Now we must forget everything
And to let go
Let go
How I care, because I don't will to care at all
But I must understand how I'm not free but still so bond
The rain is about to start
The fire from the heavens
Now I must undress
For there is no need for clothes for those who are of the truth
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Art by: Christine Larbring |
Auringonjumala ikuinen
Auringonjumala ikuinen
Kalpenee rinnallas' Pohjoinen
Kauttani, veresi valkoinen
Niin virtaa kauneus Pyhyyden
Luokaamme kuin Kuninkaat
Vain Lotuksessa, unissaan
Kuin luoksemme tuo kutsuttu
Nyt tule!
Ole Salattu
The Creator
Fields are red.
So the harvester lives,
And the owner is dead.
Whether neither bright nor dark, it depends.
But the eye that judges always attends.
And when the court is full of these “All-seeing eyes”,
Isn't it not the Judge – now the Creator – the one that lies?
The Candle-Dreamer
I dreamt about the world
where I was the forest,
I was the trees.
I had a vision about a life
where I was pure honey,
I was the Bees.
I saw myself as a blue core
inside the candle light.
Reaching towards it,
the candle died.
A bearded man told me:
“Too early you did leave.”
I regretted my ripped sleeves.
In the nothingness,
I couldn't shout.
My dream, the candle -
was now snuffed out!
Keskellä liekkimerta
tiedän olevani elossa
Paossa hyytynyttä verta
Keskellä tätä liekkimerta
Vaikkakin olen tulessa
en ole enää unessa
Nauran koska uskalsin kurottaa
kohti kiellettyjä tähtiä
Pelossa kun harva on
itsensä luota -lähtijä
Lasken peiton ruumiini päälle
Pyhä ole, IAO.
Koidun itselleni kohtaloksi
Totuus muuntuu kuolemaksi
Haihdun pois menneistä ajoista
löytääkseni Tuntemattoman majoista
Koen ääripäät vain hetkessä
Ne haihtuvat jo tässä retkessä
Suuremmat kokonaisuudet valtaavat maan
Välitä en, mitä tästä saan
Tunnen teidät, en näe eroja
En vihaa enää näitä surujen säröjä
Itsekin olen samaa virtaa
Kurottakaamme kohti tiedon siltaa
Vien itseni autiolle maalle, kylvääkseni siemenen
Katsonut olen
taakse viimeisen huomisen
Ei suruja, ei iloja;
Pyhä olet, IAO!
Fire Ocean -IAO
In the middle of the fire ocean
I know that I'm alive
While escaping a thousand clots
in the middle of this fire ocean
Even though I burn
the dream has vanished
I am laughing since I dared to reach
towards the forbidden stars
since it is so, that under fear,
only few leave themselves
I lay down a blanket on my corpse
Holy be, IAO.
My own destiny I become and am
as the Truth transforms into death
I fade away from the times past
to find the Unknown from the huts
I experience polarities in only a moment
They fade away whilst this path of mine
The higher wholes take over the earth
The lust of result I have not
I know you, there is no difference
Hate I have not towards these distortions of sorrow
I myself also am part of the same stream
Shall we reach towards the bridge of Knowledge
I take myself to a desolate land
to crop a seed
A look I have taken
beyond the final tomorrow
No sorrows, no pleasures;
Holy thou art, IAO!
Feast of the Rejoicing Moon
Down into the womb of sustaining Night
Frozen Hells – numerous in sight
Creates the hand
Meanings appear impure
Hidden is the right hand
Containing the cure
Falls or crawls
Result is the same
Eyes for an eye
Conquered isn't the shame
Like black mirrors
Each others they please
From the viewpoint of perfection
Oh, what a disease…
Ghastly demon-like creatures
Blind your critic's eye
Hide it until the outbreak
Of the truth's battle cry
Love under will
I lost you to yourself
But we are conscious and alive
So it's okay.
I fought back the sins of time
Kept my head
It's okay.
I loved you like chaos loves change
You and wind are now one
It's okay.
You were a tree
Envying the forest
Now the forest is burning
As you sail the oceans
It's okay.
You will look back with hate
Pondering the causes of your fate
I will smile and turn into blood
Drown in myself
Within the timeless flood
Stars blaze motion!
It's okay.
Thou hast become the key 'n' the door
Two times two equalled finally four
These times of inner strength -
During our wake -
Into an infinite length
I would take.
If I could…
But it's okay.
Where thou hast hidden thine golden words
There I'll sink
Find all the hidden worlds
Look upon the path
Unto utmost desire
Love under will -
You 'n' I separated by fire!
God with God
You seeked God with God
You seeked Sea in Sea
From time to time thinking:
"Is this just me?"
A drop of water
Melting a desert
Being the whole point
Of the Heaven
And the Earth
Deaf to the echoes
In the hall of truth
Where the silence
Of infinity
Is a living proof
Far beyond time
Distant and close
Dreaming of you
To dispose all woes
Stretched towards myself
I will to succeed
In the living tree
So organic
Of which
You are the seed
Of Sin and Restriction
There where I walk, there you must run
Leaving you or both of us undone
When I am dead, you are not yet born
“I am above you!” – Through a horn
Either I am lost, or you are slow
Be it neither/nor – I must go!
Underestimate not my will untamed
The mighty Bull leaving the shame to shame
Grow like a flower, come to me
But a saviour I have no need to be
I am Selfish, if you will
From the viewpoint – so limiting!
Are you a Queen, or are you a slave?
A sharp sight, beyond the way you behave
Am I a slave, or am I a King?
The course for this combining ring
Death is silent, death is loud
It rejoices with the life profound
But what has the moral to do with this?
With all its greed and bitterness
If we have crossed the border of “All to me!”
Then be it – what is meant to be!
The Laughing Phoenix
Who art thou
That grin before the shrine?
In multiple forms appeared
Now to make you mine
All in one and one in All
To reach the zenith
In nothingness
To beginning recall
Slaying the Death
In virtuous rapture
Losing the grip
In higher juncture
With or without sins
Only a matter of temptation
Anything out of love
'n' out of will
Is worth of damnation
Eating dust
And celebrating Night
With the Knowledge of Life
Appearing as L.V.X.
Pouring the semen
Into the vessel of Christ
Feasting with the World
Of wrong, and of right
Doomed art thou
That sink into Da'at
Of no drop of blood
Needless to say
But we are still here to stay
Therefore; this piece of my corpse
Of night, and of day!
Silent Tears in Bright Light
There is darkness
where the light is born.
Scarlet wines,
and unicorn.
Silent tears in bright light.
To escape that which lurks,
about to conquer the wings of might.
Microsamsaras that hide,
lead false prophets that guide
clothed with pride.
In the act of life,
and the drama within.
Many, emptiness and one –
Rather sadness than undone.
Time breaks and time demands.
The walls that prison,
by will, now expand!
Receiving eyes turn over,
the Sephirahs gather.
Paradoxes and simplicities,
alone and together.
Above is below, lower seeks higher.
A logical mind is a proud liar.
Ears perceive the beautiful words.
They fade.
Only a part of the truth,
a clouded shade.
Separation and sentences;
thou art so intense.
This famous wisdom,
Not only non-sense.
Do you – for us – still exist?
No, not for a sexist!
Nothingness becomes pregnant alone.
Like the unspoken once known
and said.
Life for the living,
and for the breathing dead.
There is the Sun,
a phallic man.
Another Moon,
knowing the noon.
There is darkness,
where the light is born.
Oh, Scarlet wines,
and the unicorn!
Is it nightside?
Or is it where you can hide?
Is it both?
Beyond black, beyond white
Endless night beyond eyesight
Where thou escapeth the forms
But the words still gathered thou
In their deceiving embrace
Through the old habits of mind and matter
The space still tempted thee
And thou knoweth not where to go
With thine mighty armour built from Self and Ego
You "travelled more swiftly through the space than the stars"
The one that fell into the pit called "Because"
Led by Choronzon - Dispersion is done
In that night of the silent moon you whispered in my ear
Told me the secrets of crossing the phases so essential
Obligatory for the solid ground
Oh, the son of rebellion, that told me there is more than you are able to achieve
Into the vertigo of paradoxes you fell
The eternal sleep where you are the hero of a movie made from your own life
Ad nauseam - I don't know any way how to make you come back again
I gave up when the weight of arguments crossed my own
You are "so-much-alone" that you are "with"
Satisfaction theorized only through
Everything else than anything there is to offer
Here and now
But when the eyes see and the ears hear
The vastness of the tree of your fall
The eyes might hurt, the ears might bleed
When there is no shortcut to an end
You hit every branch on the way down
You must clean every wound on the way up
Sing for me
Sing for me
Thine Aethyric confessions
Since it hurts my eyes
To face these lessons
But be mine on this lasting hour
So that we may give birth to the hidden flower
Leaves you ought to fall
Before the winter-taste
But the joyous words - Self I call! - 'n' silence is amazed…
Striken to the very core
Before thy slow 'n' empty mind
So jouously manifests the silent lore
Written for thine chosen kind
(* Tiphereth-Sun as 6 x 111)
Thou art seven
And beyond seven
Grant me the fruits
Of the holy semen
Thou art holy
Thou art mine
That art in total forty-nine
Fiery seven
Eleven times seven
Within, through eleven
Shame buried far below Heaven
Remain not untouched
Amongst the scorn
Through thy deliverance
All the horrors were born
In the ecstasy
Of thy scarlet bliss
My shame
My hate
I do dismiss
"Sinister are the places I seek
Loud are the words I speak
Dim are the horizons I see
Sound are the oaths I feel"
Burn these reasons
In thy naked fire
Grant me bliss
Above desire!
Teach me lessons
Of cosmic lies
Show me the city
Where no man dies
In thy embrace
You filthy whore
Laugh with me -
We opened the door!
Dynamic are thy moves
Plan of plans
During thy sleep
A scarlet glance
Sing with me
O Saturnal mistress
To reach those
Of mourn
And of eternal distress:
"This is the stellar call!
Thou art of ALL!
You know good and evil!
You did fall!
Now rise towards Binah!
Untempted by Daath!
Find power!
Beyond Knowledge!
Closer towards God!"
“I am nothing but poem again. I am a Red Rose incarnate, about to bloom in Eternal Spring. I am the Love’s melting essence, the vapour that vanished hath no power on me. I am the Force 'n' the Fire, so be it that the Aeons come and go, yet one and none remained...”
To move onto the previous chapter of the book click here |