
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on joulukuu, 2018.

New Aeon Poetry I: Night Sky Meditations, Scarlet Rage

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Through this blog I have decided to publish poetry - that I call New Aeon Poetry - for people to read. I have been working on a book called "NEW AEON POETRY I: Night Sky Meditations, Scarlet Rage" since 9th of April 2016 e.v. when I began actually working on my book idea. It was of course preceded with years of poetry writing, beginning from 2005 e.v. I published the book on 22nd of December 2018 e.v. You can read the book via this link . Love is the law, love under will. Jori-Ville Rahkonen New Aeon Poetry

Content and Foreword

Dedicated to my Holy Guardian Angel. Thank you for the omen. 65 = 93. Thank you for guarding and guiding me: “No trace of blow No river of whiskey No incalculable number of pints No use, threat or danger of violence No temporary dissolvent of the  mind’s  unity Is enough to make thee absent! I love thee! Thus: I love me! My solar Self! The unity therein And the secret source…” "I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean." – Socrates (You can navigate within the content by clicking the name of each section in the content below and to return back to the content by the functions of the browser  you are using) Content Essay: What is poetry? Jori-Ville Rahkonen Feeniksin lento Rotkolintu Intuitio Neulansilmä Ei-olija Huutojen välinen tyh...